Lotus Caring Hands

Our Projects

Humanitarian Aid- Mr S Murugananthan – 2010

This is Mr S Murugananthan, 48 from Vanni one of many badly affected individual by the civil war in Sri Lanka. He was the sole bread winner supporting his wife and 3 young children. During the recent conflict, he has lost his 3 limbs and unable to support his family.

When LCH came to know the terrible state of the family, the committee has unanimously agreed to provide immediate and continuous support for foreseeable period. Presently we are providing RS 5000/= per month through another charity in Sri Lanka.

The family is trying their best to stand on their own feet. They have made a humble request for small sum of money to start-up a small chicken or cattle farm, so they do not need to depend on the current monthly support of LCH. This request from this family is really touched us! Consider the current state of the family, with above request they have shown a great degree of will to lead an independent life. The core aim of the LCH is creating informed, independent and vibrant society; this family could a one great example.

Would you like to help to Mr Murugananthan family, so they can stand on their own feet and lead a normal life? Come forward, join us and provide whatever small or big of your support.