Lotus Caring Hands

Membership Terms & Conditions

Your Impact Starts Here

Membership Terms & Conditions


Members are prohibited from acting as representatives or spokespersons of LCH unless elected or permitted by the Management Committee.

Voting Rights

1.) Only members who have completed one full term of membership are eligible to vote in the selection process of the Management Committee.

2.) Three consecutive full membership terms are required to stand for election to the Management Committee.

3.) Five consecutive full membership terms are required to be considered for a Trustee position, provided there is a vacancy. The Management Committee and a current trustee must nominate a long-term member for consideration as a trustee, and the nomination must be seconded by another trustee.

Ineligibility for Committee Positions

Members of a Management Committee of another charity, political organisation, or any organisation directly or indirectly linked to LCH are not eligible to stand for the LCH Management Committee.

Use of LCH Name

Membership does not grant the right to use LCH’s name for personal or professional promotion unless explicitly approved by the charity.

Conflict of Interest

Members must declare any political or charitable interests. If a member’s involvement with other organisations conflicts with LCH’s interests, the member must request to leave or may be removed from the charity to protect LCH’s long-term future.

Your Details

Updating Information

Members are responsible for informing the charity of any changes to their personal details.

Password Security

If provided with individual passwords for online services, these must not be shared with anyone else.

Use of Personal Data

By providing personal details (such as postal addresses, email addresses, phone numbers), members agree to the use of this information for administrative purposes and to fulfill their charity membership.


The charity may contact members by post, telephone, and/or email with information about the charity’s work and fundraising activities that may be of interest.

Membership Rights & Obligations


1.) Attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the charity.
2.) Eligible members can vote in the Management Committee elections.
3.) Receive the Annual Accounts of the charity.

Limited Liability

Members accept limited liability of up to £5 towards the charity’s debts and liabilities if the charity is wound up. This obligation continues for one year after membership ceases but only for debts and liabilities incurred during membership.

Termination of Membership


Members can resign their membership at any time by providing written notice to the charity.

Revocation by Trustees

Directors, Trustees, or the Management Committee have the right to revoke membership if evidence shows that a member is damaging the reputation of LCH.

Falsely Using LCH's Name

If a member is found to be falsely using LCH’s name, their membership will be terminated immediately, and they will be prohibited from rejoining LCH for life.

Changes to Membership Terms and Conditions


The Charity Trustees have the authority to make and amend rules for the administration and management of the charity, as stated in the Articles of Association.

Subscription and Criteria

Trustees can set subscription fees and membership criteria, including for the admission and expulsion of members.


Any changes made to the membership rules by the Trustees must align with the Memorandum and Articles of Association and must be made available to members upon request.