Lotus Caring Hands step in to serve the British Community by aiding Dementia Concern, a charity for Dementia services during this period of Covid19.
Dementia Concern, are currently aiming hard to build Covid 19 awareness amongst dementia patients. LCH has stepped in with Dementia Concern at a prime time to increase Covid 19 awareness amongst the British community by initially concentrating on the Dementia patients. These patients are based in support services and community support centres who are mostly based around the London Borough of Ealing.
LCH has also been inspired by this idea and is joining this stride to eliminate Covid 19 right from the outset of the threshold by emphasising the hygienic measures that need to be followed by individuals. These practices are reminded by full blown up posters being publicized and hung on every nook and corner of these centres and possible venues used to treat Dementia patients. The idea is to reiterate preventative measures rather than battle Covid 19 later on.
Lotus Caring Hands extends a helping hand to serve the vulnerable community at a pandemic time is by sponsoring pamphlets/posters which will aid self discipline. We hope this will help the community to adhere to good practices which will ultimately save thousands of lives.