Direct beneficiaries of this program will be 25 women, and in particular, widows.
The objectives of this QIP are:
- To improve the access to livelihoods and the living standards of the targeted community;
- To develop the professional skills of 25 vulnerable women in tailoring in order to increase their income and contribute to the food security of their families;
- To Increase the household monthly income of female headed families;
- To facilitate community involvement and promote collective actions;
- To create employment opportunities.
Implementation and Monitoring Mechanisms
NAHRO will implement the project in coordination and collaboration with the respective Government and Non-governmental organizations such as NAITA, RDO, DS and GS etc. NAITA and NAHRO will monitor the activities throughout the project period. NAHRO will submit the post completion report three months from the date of completion.
The training program will provide the selected women with enough skills to continue tailoring independently. They will be enabled to work as tailors continuously and NAHRO will facilitate their start-up providing technical assistance whenever needed. In these areas there is high demand for tailors especially when it comes to school uniforms and ladies clothing, therefore women will not face any difficulties in marketing their products.
In addition to this, a number of previous beneficiaries of similar training programmes have attained permanent positions at garment factories. Therefore, this programme can open up future job prospects and a stable source of income.
Fundraising Page
Supporting Documents
Report 1
Report 2
Report 3