Enhance Learning Opportunities for Rural Area Students – 2019/2020

Enhance Learning Opportunities for Rural Area Students – 2019/2020

Project Submission Sheet

    • Project title: Enhance Learning Opportunities for Rural Area Students.
    • Sector: Community Development.
    • District: Kilinochchi
    • DS Divisions: Kandawalai.
    • GN/Villages: Paranthan, Korakkankaddu, Kudiyiruppu, And Murasumoddai.
    • Total Budget: LKR 3611040
    • Beneficiary Type: Direct Beneficiaries 28 Students in Ki/St Antony’s Roman Catholic Vidyalayam, Indirect Beneficiaries 248 Students and 225 Families in Kudiyiruppu Village.
    • Beneficiary Details: 28 Students Sitting for the 5th Grade Scholarship Exam.
    • Period: September 2018 to August 2020
    • Implementation Agency : National Association for Humanitarian Rehabilitation Operations (NAHRO)
    • Address: No 01, First farm, Kanagapuram, Kilinochchi.
    • Contact : 0212283659

Fundraising Page

Supporting Documents

Charity for Dementia services during this period of Covid19

Charity for Dementia services during this period of Covid19

Lotus Caring Hands step in to serve the British Community by aiding Dementia Concern, a charity for Dementia services during this period of Covid19.

Dementia Concern, are currently aiming hard to build Covid 19 awareness amongst dementia patients. LCH has stepped in with Dementia Concern at a prime time to increase Covid 19 awareness amongst the British community by initially concentrating on the Dementia patients. These patients are  based in  support services and community support centres who are mostly based around the London Borough of Ealing.

LCH has also been inspired by this idea and is joining this stride to eliminate Covid 19 right from the outset of the threshold by emphasising the hygienic measures that need to be followed by individuals. These practices are reminded by full blown up posters being publicized and hung on every nook and corner of these centres and possible venues used to treat Dementia patients. The idea is to reiterate preventative measures rather than battle Covid 19 later on.

Lotus Caring Hands extends a helping hand to serve the vulnerable community at a pandemic time is by sponsoring pamphlets/posters which will aid self discipline. We hope this will help the community to adhere to good practices which will ultimately save thousands of lives.

The Forgotten Gems of Sri Lanka – The Upcountry Tamils

The Forgotten Gems of Sri Lanka – The Upcountry Tamils

The Forgotten Gems of Sri Lanka- The Upcountry Tamils

The upcountry/plantation Tamils have always been a deprived community besides contributing to the economy of Sri Lanka.
*This is a community that has failed to attract the attention of the Govt or NGO’s unlike the North or East. There needs were never sincerely looked into historically*.
LCH strives to look at vulnerable areas where true hardship prevails.

Currently, whilst the lock down and curfew continues in several parts of Sri Lanka there are several areas in upcountry where hunger prevails amongst these Tamils who live from hand to mouth as they rely on daily wages.

Matale, a popular town is also a major district in Upcountry. It encompasses several estates where the workers are predominantly Tamils.

Matale, is popularly known by the Tamils for the well-known Amman Temple. Its a shame that not many try to look into the hardship of the Tamils in the surrounding areas.

The geographical location makes logistics difficult for food distribution during this period.

LCH is proud to address such an issue during COVID19.

We jointly seek everyone’s support to address this humanitarian need urgently.

Fundraising Page

We never let the Virus sweeps our community – March 2020

We never let the Virus sweeps our community – March 2020

The coronavirus lockdown has comfortably cooped most of us at home. However, at the other end of the spectrum, majority of Tamils in Muthur District, Sri lanka are struggling to make ends meet. These include marginalised communities in the unorganised sector, such as daily wage earner, street vendors, construction workers, and laborers, who are terribly affected by the economic and social repercussions of the coronavirus.

Virutcham Trust (UK) , Lotus Caring Hands and Sivanarul Foundation charities are jointly working to support the Coronavirus outbreak in Sri Lanka/Muthur district by donating essential food items for currently over 500 families.

30/03/2020 – Update

வணக்கம் ஐயா,

கொரோனா நோய் தாக்கத்தின் காரணமாக நாட்டின் தற்போதய சூழ்நிலையில் எதுவித தொழிலிற்கும் செல்ல முடியாமல் வீட்டில் முடக்கப்பட்ட மக்களுக்கு மூதூர் செயலாளர் பிரிவின் பழங்குடி கிராமங்களை உள்ளடக்கிய வகையில் சிவனருள் நடைமுறைப்படுத்தலுடன் நேற்றய தினம் தலா 226,000/_ மொத்த பெறுமதியுடைய உலருணவு பொதிகள் ஏழு கிராமங்களாகிய சந்தோசபுரம், சீதனவெளி, வீரமாநகர், இளக்கந்தை, நீனாக்கேணி, நல்லூர், சந்தணவெட்டை ஆகிய கிராமங்களுக்கு மொத்தமாக 188 பொதிகள் வழங்கப்பட்டுள்ளது இப்பொதிகளை வழங்குவதர்கு அக்கிராமங்களில் உள்ள கிராமசேவகர்,சமுர்த்தி உத்தியோகஸ்த்தர்களினூடாக பயனாளிகளின் பெயர் தெரிவு தரப்பட்டது மேலும் அவ் உலருணவு பொதிகளை இனங்காணப்பட்ட கிராமங்களில் வசிக்கும் மக்களுக்கு வீடுவீடாக சென்று வழங்கப்பட்டது இப்பிரிவிற்கு பொறுப்பான பொலிஸ் அதிகாரியின் அறிவுறுத்தலிற்கு அமைய தற்போதய சூழ்நிலையில் அதிக நபர்கள் ஒண்று சேர்வது தவிர்கப்பட்டது மேலும் இப்பொதிகளை வீடுவீடாக சென்று வழங்குவதர்கு அக்கிராமத்திலிலுள்ள அமைப்புக்கள்,சங்கங்கள் உதவி புரிந்தனர்

இவ்வுலருணவு பொதியினுள் உள்ளடக்கப்பட்டவை அரிசி – 5kg ,சீனி – 1kg ,பருப்பு -1/2kg, வெங்காயம் -1/2kg, சவர்காரம் – 01 ,உப்புபக்கட் – 1, பால்மா பெட்டி -1 ,பிஸ்கட் – 1 என்பன இதன் ஒரு பொதியின் பெறுமதி 1188.50 ரூபாய் இவ்வுலருணவு பொருட்கள் தற்போதய சூழ் நிலையில் மிகவும் பெறுமதியுடயவை இம்மக்களுக்கு முன்வந்து இவ்உதவியினை மேற்கெண்டமைக்கு தங்களுக்கு மிக்க நன்றியினை தெரிவிக்கின்றோம்.

Hello Sir,

Corona Disease Implementation Sivanurul Implementation covering the tribal villages of the Muttur Secretariat Division for the disabled people who are unable to go to any business in the present situation of the country. A total of 188 packs have been distributed to the villages of Neni, Nallur and Sandanewetti for the purpose. In the present situation, as per the instructions, more people have avoided contact and the organizations and associations in the village have assisted in supplying these packages to the home. The value of the package is Rs.1188.50 In the current situation for the people of ivvularunavu most perumatiyutayavai much gratitude they would like to voluntarily performed ivutaviyinai.

Fundraising Page
We Never Let The Virus Sweeps Our Community

Supporting Documents
Virutcham Trust (UK) , Lotus Caring Hands and Sivanarul Foundation charities are jointly working to support

Support for a Tailoring Initiative by a non formal group of women – 2018/2019

Support for a Tailoring Initiative by a non formal group of women – 2018/2019

This project aims to introduce and promote tailoring practices through the provision of skills training and practical experience for 25 female war victims. Through tailoring activities, the targeted women will increase their income and enable food security for their families.

Direct beneficiaries of this program will be 25 women, and in particular, widows.

The objectives of this QIP are:

  • To improve the access to livelihoods and the living standards of the targeted community;
  • To develop the professional skills of 25 vulnerable women in tailoring in order to increase their income and contribute to the food security of their families;
  • To Increase the household monthly income of female headed families;
  • To facilitate community involvement and promote collective actions;
  • To create employment opportunities.

Implementation and Monitoring Mechanisms

NAHRO will implement the project in coordination and collaboration with the respective Government and Non-governmental organizations such as NAITA, RDO, DS and GS etc. NAITA and NAHRO will monitor the activities throughout the project period. NAHRO will submit the post completion report three months from the date of completion.


The training program will provide the selected women with enough skills to continue tailoring independently. They will be enabled to work as tailors continuously and NAHRO will facilitate their start-up providing technical assistance whenever needed. In these areas there is high demand for tailors especially when it comes to school uniforms and ladies clothing, therefore women will not face any difficulties in marketing their products.

In addition to this, a number of previous beneficiaries of similar training programmes have attained permanent positions at garment factories. Therefore, this programme can open up future job prospects and a stable source of income.

Fundraising Page
Supporting Documents
Report 1
Report 2
Report 3